MatchaMade is a personal branding and UI/UX project to design a minimal and fuss free food delivery mobile app for a local Japanese restaurant located within the vibrant arts district, targeted towards college students and young/middle aged adults.
Target Audience
User Personas
Persona #1
Persona #2
User Schedule
Personas 1 & 2
User Flow
Complete a Delivery Order
User Flow Comparison
MatchaMade app allows users to quickly browse menu items and check out in shorter steps in comparison to other food delivery services.
Users that are budget conscious are also able to know the delivery rates based on their auto-detected location.
Wireframes and Mockups
Process of developing the app prototype from the initial wireframing stage. The prototype focuses on the food ordering process - starting from home screen up to food delivery.
Clickable prototype of the app that takes you through the process of ordering food delivery